Happy 2016, A New Beginning For Your Relationship


Not everyone needs to go out and party on New Year’s Eve to have a good time. Going out can be fun, yes, but a nice, quiet, romantic evening at home being with your romantic partner can be even better. Two can be a lot more intimate than a crowd of people. Making a nice dinner and making love all night and bringing each other pleasure beats any party to me any night of the year.

The holidays can be hectic and perhaps you don’t have the privacy you normally might to be with your loved one, but it’s important to take the time to be together and just say to hell with everyone else. There’s nothing wrong with being selfish once in a while, you will be a lot happier if you do take time for yourself. Maybe take the time to discuss what in the upcoming new year you two can do to get more time together and fine even more pleasure. Can you set aside the funds and time for a vacation? Can you go to a couples retreat for a weekend and learn new things, like tantric sex or massage therapy, anything fun and unusual that brings you closer together is welcome, maybe even something like a cooking class.

The New Year is an opportunity to regroup and think about the year ahead and how you can improve upon yourself and your relationship. A new beginning. Even if things are great in your relationship, there’s always room to try new and exciting things to make the time you spend together even more fun and exciting. It’s amazing how some couples are never short on ideas and activities to spend time together, and others seem to live more separate lives. I guess what works for one couple might not be right for another and people need different levels of space and alone time.

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