A lot of people just do not understand some of the odd things that come part and parcel with doing phone sex. Racial humiliation is one of them. Not all operators will indulge this fetish, just like some won’t entertain calls about extreme underage or beast, but there are ones that will. If a man is paying good money for me to call him names, why on earth would I not help him out? It’s his money, it’s not like I’m calling him a nigger at the top of my lungs in the middle of WalMart, it’s a private, one on one conversation with another person that wants to hear it.
Another thing many do not understand and that is not overly common is what I call “repetition calls.” What may you ask is a repetition call? Some callers want either a word, a sentence, or several words said over and over and over. Sometimes for a long time, over an hour. If you think that’s fun or easy, it is not, it is beyond mind numbing. This week I had a caller for over an hour, and he’s called before for even longer, that wanted nothing more really than me calling him nigger, over and over and over. I’ve also had ones that wanted the words “feet, foot fetish, foot, foot job” said over and over and over. It’s honestly torture to do a call like this, but you get over it and are grateful for the money.
What drives people to want either of these things? The humiliation I understand better than the repetition type calls. It would seem easier to get a recording of someone saying the word once and playing it on a loop until you’d had enough of it. Maybe it puts them in some kind of trace. Only they can know the answers to these odd questions.