He’s in Love with a Doll

What do you say when a caller says they are in love with a sex doll? Many callers have limitations of one type or another. Some are socially awkward, others are unattractive, some have physical disabilities that limit what they could actually do with a real live woman sexually. So you get used t hearing about “special cases” where for one reason or another, a real woman is not a viable option for them. It’s probably best you don’t know what really goes on with them and their doll girlfriend. What goes on behind closed doors is likely best left there.

When one is deprived of real human companionship, they can develop their own secret world with such a doll. Naming it, giving it personality attributes, imagining a whole backstory for it, all sorts of fantasies. They’d have to hide it from ones in their own real lives, like family that might come to visit, a cleaning lady, those sorts of people that might actually see the doll if they came over to visit. They just wouldn’t understand. It’s important to them, and truthfully, they aren’t hurting anyone, but yes, it does seem odd someone would create a whole “relationship” with an inanimate object.

It’s not really appropriate to ask what sorts of sexual things they do to the doll, though most would happily volunteer such details without even being asked. Many would want you to know the very intimate details of what goes on. Others, sensing it might be a bit weird and that you asking is in a way mocking them, wouldn’t wish to share. Do you have an unusual relationship with some sort of sex doll? Believe me, we ladies have heard all sorts of things, so you can’t really shock us. Mannequins, dolls, all sorts of unusual “companions” do we get told about. So feel free to share your unusual love partner stories with us.

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