Handicapped Humiliation

Another caller asked if I’d be willing to do some handicapped humiliation. I only ever had a couple of them over the years. Most go out of their way to make sure they do not say anything to hurt someone’s feelings if they are handicapped, but some out there do like to be told what duds they really are. This man was born with spina bifida. His parents were older when they had him, so he thinks that might be related. He has no sensation from the waist down and is in diapers. He’s had no sexual contact with a woman of any kind. So he just wanted me to berate him and make fun of him.

Most that are handicapped are also on disability, so he’s poor as well. So not only is he a cripple, but he’s poor, what woman would want such a person? He loved how I degraded him. He said he wanted more calls in the future. All he does is rub his nipples, that’s the only sexual sensation he knows. I asked how future calls wouldn’t just be repetitious. He said he had an idea for a roleplay in mind where I’d be his nurse and abuse him. Hey, if that’s what floats your boat!

So he lays in his bed in his diaper, limp dick, limp, wasted legs rubbing his nipples as some strange lady humiliates him on the phone and he pays for the privilege of listening to me. I tell you, most would not believe such a scenario, and yet, it does happen. Ones like small penis humiliation, racial humiliation, and the occasional handicapped humiliation apparently. The sex lives of many handicapped people are solitary only. They in many cases are like this man, no sensation or knowledge of what an erection feels like, and they’ve never had an orgasm. It’s sad.

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Your Dick is How Big?

It’s an amusing fact for many phone sex operators that callers often embellish the state of their cock size. Oh sure, you’ve got the small penis humiliation group that enjoys being ridiculed for being small, but then you’ve got the rest of them, the ones that claim they are anywhere between nine and eleven inches. Considering the North American average size for an erect penis is five to five and half inches, it’s incredible how many that are double the actual size call us. One would think if they are that well endowed, what need would they possibly have for phone sex girls? Surely they’d have their choice of women with such large appendages?

You don’t think they could possibly be elaborating a little bit on their size, do you? No, they wouldn’t do that to us! They are always one hundred percent honest! From the fact they have eleven inch cocks, to the fact that so many have been carrying on love affairs with their mothers since their teens, they wouldn’t lie about such important facts, would they? The very idea would be unthinkable they’d be being dishonest with us. Say it isn’t so! I firmly believe most callers have penises that would put most porn stars to shame, after all, they say that’s the case, why would they possibly lie about such things?

Some of the pics they send, they almost look like porn ones, but there’s no chance they’d take some pics of men online and try to pass them off as their own, I know the callers are too honest to try and fool their phone sex operators. They appreciate the services we provide, and they’d never want to fool us like that. I guess we are really lucky ladies to have the ones on the very highest end of the size charts call us, not many ladies get to talk to such rare specimens of nature. We get to many times a day!

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His Father in Law Caught Him

When a man that loves to wear lingerie calls, it doesn’t really stand out much. It’s so common. Some days you think half the men out there must be wearing ladies lingerie under their clothes. A man called last night and said he works from home and his wife works in an office. So as soon as she leaves for work each day, he goes and slips on some of her lingerie and she has no idea about it. The he said the other week she hadn’t mentioned to him her father was going to be stopping by to fix something. So as usual, she left for work and he slipped into some of her lingerie.

He got quite the surprise though when he ran into his father in law coming in the door and catching him like that. I guess the old boy had his own key, since he let himself in. So they were both quite speechless when they came face to face under such circumstances. He begged the father in law not to mention it to his wife. Although he claims he and his wife haven’t had sex in almost a decade. Well the old boy said he’d keep quiet about it for a price, and that price was a blow job.

At this point I was beginning to think this is likely purely fantasy, which it likely was. The only believable part was that he and his wife haven’t had sex in almost ten years. That I hear all the time. So he said he agreed and the father in law sat down on the sofa and his son in law supposedly got down on his knees on the floor in front of him and started to give him a blow job. This has been going on for a few weeks now. I it in his head? Likely. Do they want you to buy it? Absolutely. To be honest, I’ve heard countless ones over the years say they want to fuck their mother in law but this is the first time one talked about anything sexual about a father in law.

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Still Feeding After all These Years

Last night a caller that was nineteen called to say he was terribly worried about something. He claimed to have been breastfeeding all these years from his mother, twice a day, and now that he’s leaving to live two and a half hours away for an apprenticeship, he’s not going to have access to her anymore. As I bit my lip to keep from laughing at his absurd claim, he was in all manner serious. I said well, she can either move with you, or weekend feedings on visits will have to suffice. He seemed quite bereft at the situation, saying it had only just crossed his mind.

I’m not saying there’s not men into adult breastfeeding, there are, but the idea that he’s been nursing from mommy his entire life is quite laughable. Then, many calls are laughable that come through to phone sex lines. So many of these men should be contacting mental health professionals, not phone sex operators, but we do our best with the lunatics that call. Not all are into such wild, unbelievable fantasies for sure, but some definitely are in their own stratosphere of weirdness when it comes to their claims.

Some that have called in the past that dream of adult breastfeeding have claimed the women they are suckling on, and not producing milk, are looking off into space, disinterested in the goings on at their breast. They might be indulging their lover and letting him suckle and pretend, but they are bored to tears with the nonsense going on. They are just being too polite to speak up about it. Oh well, if you allow such things, they will continue. Is it normal after the birth of a child for a husband to try the breast milk? I’d say yes, but to make it a regular thing and fetishize it, not so much.

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Cougar Cream Pie

One topic that’s always popular is cream pie pussy. A younger man called the other day asking if I’d play his mature neighbor. He said he fantasizes about filling up her pussy and watching the cum drip out of it. He wanted me to pretend to seduce him and ask him over to my house and then get him to fuck me multiple times, filling me up with more and more cum each time. Loving young men as I do, it’s not a difficult fantasy to conjure up. I said I’d hire him for some odd jobs, he’d come over and exert himself into a sweat and I’d suggest a shower to get cleaned up.

I’d be waiting sitting on the edge of my bed so when he’d come out of the ensuite bathroom, I’d have a towel waiting for him. I’d have removed it when he was in the shower, so he’d need to come looking for it. I’d get excited to see him naked, rivulets of water dripping off of him. I’d get up to wrap it around him and he’d soon start to get hard as I toweled him off. I’d then let the towel fall and I’d lead him back to the bed.

He’d be all clean and now hard. I’d sit him on the edge of the bed and kneel before him, and start to fondle and suck on his cock and he’d lean back on his elbows, excited and aroused and wanting more than my mouth. I’d stand up, undress, push him back on the bed and then straddle him and ride that lovely young cock. He’d be hard in my pussy, tits bouncing, balls swelling and filling with cum. Then that first of several jets of cum shoots off inside, and I cum on his cock and then he wants to lick it out of me afterwards.

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