The Train Ride Home

You sit on the train, feeling a creeping desire building within you. As the motion of the train rocks you back and forth, your hand discreetly slips inside your pants. The thrill of being surrounded by other passengers only heightens your arousal. You spot a pretty woman across the aisle and fantasize about her. Your mind begins to wander as you stroke harder. You imagine the woman across from you bending over in front of you, her tight skirt hugging her curves. You picture sliding your hand up her leg, feeling the warmth emanating from her body. The thought of being caught only adds to your excitement.

As you continue to stroke yourself, you become more and more paranoid that someone will catch you. You try to keep your movements subtle, hiding your hand beneath your coat. The fear of being exposed only makes your desire stronger, and you find yourself growing dangerously close to the edge. The sensations coursing through your body are too intense to resist. You grip yourself tighter and begin to pump your hand up and down even faster. The sound of the train rushing by outside seems to synchronize with your movements, urging you closer and closer to the breaking point. Your toes curl and your breath quickens as you feel the familiar wave of pleasure rising within you.

You feel your orgasm building to a crescendo, and you bite your lip to stifle any cries of pleasure that may escape. You tighten your grip and quicken the pace of your hand, chasing that elusive feeling of ecstasy. Your breath catches in your throat as wave after wave of pleasure courses through you, and you shudder with the intensity of your release. A moment passes before you become aware of the other passengers around you, and you feel a flush of embarrassment. But even so, you can’t help but feel a sense of fulfillment. You tuck your spent cock away and hope you’ll be able to get the cum stain out of your coat when you get home.

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The Watcher

You find yourself alone in your hotel room, just finishing up an intimate moment. Suddenly, you realize that there was a small hole in the wall where someone could have been watching you. What do you want to do next? Would you continue so they could see even more?

You decide to continue pleasuring yourself, putting on a show for the potential voyeur. You make sure to give them a good view of your hard cock and your hands working it, moaning and groaning with pleasure. The idea of being watched only turns you on more.You wonder what they look like, if they are touching themselves as well as they watch you.

Your mind races with excitement at the thought of the stranger on the other side of the wall watching you. You imagine their hands moving in time with yours, stroking themselves as they watch you pleasure yourself. You find yourself getting harder at the thought, unable to resist the taboo thrill of being watched and watching in return. As you continue to put on a show for the mysterious stranger, you wonder if you are the only person they have ever watched. You can’t help but imagine that they have watched countless others before you, getting off to their every move. The thought of being just one in a long line of people being watched only adds to the thrill for you, pushing you towards your ultimate climax.

You close your eyes and let your mind wander, imagining the stranger on the other side of the wall getting off as they watch you pleasure yourself. The naughty thrill of the situation only heightens your pleasure, and you find yourself getting even more turned on. You lose yourself in the fantasy, feeling the heat build in your body until you finally reach the peak of your pleasure, groaning and convulsing with ecstasy.

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The City of Lights and Love

Recently I went to Paris for a week and saw so many beautiful things. One touristy thing I did was go on a hot air balloon ride with my boyfriend near the Eiffel Tower. I was a bit shocked when the pilot said if we paid “a bit extra,” he would turn his back and not pay attention to our actions. My boyfriend whispered in my ear, “if we fuck, he’s not going to stop us or tell anyone.” Ohhh, ok. I hadn’t planned for a fucking session in the skies above Paris, but why not, let’s see how we can fuck in a hot air balloon while taking in the sights.

It was a comical adventure to say the least. I tried to be dead quiet, and I sort of leaned against the basket, ass pushing backwards. He unzipped, lifted my dress up and pulled my panty crotch to the side. It was a bit awkward, I knew the pilot knew what we were doing, even though his back was to us, it was just a bizarre experience all round, but one I will not soon forget. I was able to cum with some effort, but fearing for my life in that giant wicker basket, knowing a stranger was barely two feet away from us, it was just weird and not very sexy.

Trying sex in new locations can be a good thing, but it doesn’t come without its obstacles. It made the trip more memorable overall, but I won’t be posting about it on social media. It’s just a little too out there for mass consumption. My boyfriend and the pilot are the only ones who know, and I do not see this little misadventure being repeated. We all do silly things now and then, this incident was just a bit more silly than usual.

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Lying, Selfish Scumbags

So many callers have same sex fantasies, even ones that are married. Many go further than fantasizing though, as in actually hooking up with random guys they meet online and suck off or let fuck them behind their poor wives backs. Nothing pleases me more than to humiliate and degrade these scumbag men. They want to have their cake and eat it too, no matter the cost to the poor clueless wife. They are the most selfish, inconsiderate bastards, other than ones violating kids or animals. Get a divorce and sleep with whoever you like, but to expose your woman to possibly fatal diseases because you can’t keep it in your pants is beyond despicable.

One admitted he was in therapy trying to figure out what to do long term. Many think phone sex operators are enablers of such behaviors, and some are, but others will shame you for the dirtbags you really are. Humiliation is popular, some want to be told in no uncertain terms that what they are doing is wrong, but they “can’t help themselves” according to them. No, you can, you’re just too weak to do the right thing, if you were a real man you wouldn’t be doing these things in the first place.

Yes, we can be harsh, it’s what some of you losers need, someone to tell you the cold, hard facts and not sugar coat it. You want to fuck around, be a fag, do disgusting things you wouldn’t dare tell your woman face to face you do, fine, do it, but not until you tell her and she gives you permission to, or cut her loose to live her life without your threat of disease and heartbreak. So many lying, worthless scumbag men out there too selfish to care about anyone but themselves and their own pleasure. I hope you get caught and destroyed.

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Daddy Almost Caught Me

When I was growing up, I was pretty shameless as to some of the things I’d do where I could have gotten caught. The closest I came was one time I’d snuck my boyfriend in when I thought I had the house to myself. After school was usually a good time, since my parents wouldn’t be home from work for a couple of hours, so I had a lot of freedom at those times. I’d invited my boyfriend in and we were fucking in my room. All of a sudden I heard the door and know one of them was home. Then I heard footsteps on the stairs. I thought it was over for me.

I jumped out of bed and went to my door to peek out, my boyfriend was behind me. My father came to my door. He could see I was undressed, though only my arm and bare shoulder peeked out from behind the door. I said I was trying on clothes for a party I was going to the upcoming weekend. He didn’t seem to suspect anything, even though I was being groped behind the door and was trying not to react to it. He said he’d just come home early and was going back out in a few minutes.

I closed the door and waited for him to leave. I heard the footsteps down the stairs and the door close. My boyfriend and I resumed fucking, but I was a bit nervous after this close call, so it was a bit of a quickie. My boyfriend made merciless fun of that incident for months after, saying I was talking to dad about changing clothes while I had his fingers in my cunt. Luckily I never got caught, but that call was too close for comfort for me.

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