A Friendly Ear

It can be surprising how many lonely people there are out there looking for a friendly ear to talk to. A man today didn’t want to talk about sex, but he’d lost his wife several months ago and was missing her and had no one just to talk to. They’d been married nearly forty five years, so you can only imagine how all of a sudden empty one’s life would seem when their other half is suddenly gone from their life. Then he said he’d been talking to another lady, another phone girl, and from what he said, it seems she’d led him on and was promising to meet. I hope he doesn’t get taken advantage of. Some women will do that.

He is retired, home alone all the time, he could be an easy mark for some unscrupulous woman. He said how much he enjoyed our talk and how it was nice just to have someone to talk to. He’s certainly not the only man that calls just to talk, either. Not everyone is looking for a quickie and not a real conversation. Women doing phone work are also often called upon to be like a therapist of sorts. Some are better than others. Some can be kind and sympathetic.

Sometimes talking to a stranger can be a lot easier than talking to ones you know. It can be nice to feel close to someone even if only for the length of a phone call. Not all are seeking advice, some just want to talk, and that’s fine. Most are not going to be going to some bar and baring their soul to some stranger, yet some will reach out to ones over the phone and hope they get that friendly ear they are so desperately seeking to talk to, even if it is just about everyday things in their life that no one else is asking them about.

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Spaghetti Down Your Dick

Cock and ball torture calls are one of the most fun types of calls to do. A man called the other night saying he couldn’t get a pen or a pencil to fit down his cock, so he asked me what I suggested. I suggested he take some dried spaghetti and slide it down his cock. I was laughing so hard when the idea came to me. He said it might work. God help you if the fragile strand broke though, could be sharp and painful and I guess you’d just need to wait to piss it out. That is if it didn’t lodge inside. I guess when it softened up with your body’s moisture it would eventually get out after enough times peeing.

The things one call about and do to themselves is quite unreal. Q-Tips, mascara wands, chopsticks, I’ve heard it all. How do you feel about sticking some dried pasta down your dick? Sound fun? Could get sharp if it breaks! Paint stir sticks work well for hitting balls and cock heads. One that calls uses those frequently. They really smart when slapped against the skin, especially if they’ve been soaked in water first. So many devious ways to treat your dick!

Many like to wrap rubber bands or string or rope around their cock and balls until they turn purple. I kind of think shoving the dried pasta down there would be amusing. Maybe linguine! Thicker than spaghetti, flatter, the possibilities are endless as to what could be fit down your dick. Guys like to do such weird things. You wouldn’t think anyone would even want to put a pen or pencil down there, and yet they do. Only they know the pleasure or pain it brings them and why they do such unusual things. Maybe you do them too, who knows!

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Hot Sex with My Boyfriend

My boyfriend has always loved my breasts. He gives them plenty of attention when we fuck. He loves to massage them and suckle on them. I don’t mind letting him play with them. He’s quite a romantic sort and always makes sex very sensual, much more so than any other lover I’ve ever had. He knows how to make me dripping wet with just playing with my breasts alone. He likes me to be quite warmed up before he gets anywhere near my pussy. Making my nipples rock hard as he rubbed his fingertips in little circles around my breasts. I’d just be squirming.

He’d finally move his fingers down to my pussy, which by then would be soaking wet. He’d rub my stiff little clit, making me buck against him, seeking my release. He always loved to get me going at at absolute frenzy, teasing me, prolonging my pleasure. He was never one to rush or make me rush, he liked to draw things out. It’s always fun to be with one that likes to take their time and make you practically beg for it. By the time he actually slid his cock into me, I was just going wild with wanting it inside of me.

He’d frequently suck on my nipples as we fucked. I’d have my legs wrapped tightly around him, breathing heavily as he worked his tongue over my nipples. Sometimes it seemed my nipples were stiff for hours after we’d fucked. It took them a long time to calm down after a session with him. I always would get aroused at the thought of him. Sometimes at work alone in my office, my hand would wander down to my breast momentarily, toying with myself. Looking forward to the next time when we’d be with one another.

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Handicapped Humiliation

Another caller asked if I’d be willing to do some handicapped humiliation. I only ever had a couple of them over the years. Most go out of their way to make sure they do not say anything to hurt someone’s feelings if they are handicapped, but some out there do like to be told what duds they really are. This man was born with spina bifida. His parents were older when they had him, so he thinks that might be related. He has no sensation from the waist down and is in diapers. He’s had no sexual contact with a woman of any kind. So he just wanted me to berate him and make fun of him.

Most that are handicapped are also on disability, so he’s poor as well. So not only is he a cripple, but he’s poor, what woman would want such a person? He loved how I degraded him. He said he wanted more calls in the future. All he does is rub his nipples, that’s the only sexual sensation he knows. I asked how future calls wouldn’t just be repetitious. He said he had an idea for a roleplay in mind where I’d be his nurse and abuse him. Hey, if that’s what floats your boat!

So he lays in his bed in his diaper, limp dick, limp, wasted legs rubbing his nipples as some strange lady humiliates him on the phone and he pays for the privilege of listening to me. I tell you, most would not believe such a scenario, and yet, it does happen. Ones like small penis humiliation, racial humiliation, and the occasional handicapped humiliation apparently. The sex lives of many handicapped people are solitary only. They in many cases are like this man, no sensation or knowledge of what an erection feels like, and they’ve never had an orgasm. It’s sad.

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Your Dick is How Big?

It’s an amusing fact for many phone sex operators that callers often embellish the state of their cock size. Oh sure, you’ve got the small penis humiliation group that enjoys being ridiculed for being small, but then you’ve got the rest of them, the ones that claim they are anywhere between nine and eleven inches. Considering the North American average size for an erect penis is five to five and half inches, it’s incredible how many that are double the actual size call us. One would think if they are that well endowed, what need would they possibly have for phone sex girls? Surely they’d have their choice of women with such large appendages?

You don’t think they could possibly be elaborating a little bit on their size, do you? No, they wouldn’t do that to us! They are always one hundred percent honest! From the fact they have eleven inch cocks, to the fact that so many have been carrying on love affairs with their mothers since their teens, they wouldn’t lie about such important facts, would they? The very idea would be unthinkable they’d be being dishonest with us. Say it isn’t so! I firmly believe most callers have penises that would put most porn stars to shame, after all, they say that’s the case, why would they possibly lie about such things?

Some of the pics they send, they almost look like porn ones, but there’s no chance they’d take some pics of men online and try to pass them off as their own, I know the callers are too honest to try and fool their phone sex operators. They appreciate the services we provide, and they’d never want to fool us like that. I guess we are really lucky ladies to have the ones on the very highest end of the size charts call us, not many ladies get to talk to such rare specimens of nature. We get to many times a day!

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