Tub Sex

My boyfriend and I often enjoy having sex in the shower or tub, as many couples do. The sensual feel of the water all around you on top of the stimulating sex can be a wonderful combination. I wouldn’t recommend it after eating though, that is not a good combination. I’ve enjoyed shower masturbation in the shower my entire life, and told my boyfriend this soon after we met and started to talk about our sexual preferences. I always enjoyed a water induced orgasm. The hot water coursing over your body, especially in the winter when the hot water feels extra good.

Callers have called while masturbating in the tub. One man only ever called from the tub. You could hear the water splashing as his hand vigorously went up and down on his hard, throbbing cock that was jutting out of the churning water. Water is very much an extra sensory element to add to your sex life, whether alone or with a partner. Some women can cum more easily while in water or using water to help them with a shower massager or letting the water from the tap run over their pussy. It’s not for everyone, but you should try having sex in the shower or bath at least once and see how you get on, if it enhances things or just makes them potentially more dangerous with the chance of slipping.

Last night I was just getting in the tub and he asked if he could join me. I had a feeling if I said yes things would soon take a naughty turn, and they did indeed. He flipped me over on my stomach and started to tease my cunt lips with his hard cock, arousing me and making me beg for him to slide it in. He finally did and we had a hot fuck in the tub, water splashing all over the place. We then went to bed and slept very well after our nice, hot bath and good orgasms.

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Cruise Ship Fun

Recently I went on a cruise. I got one of those last minute deals and had a great time. I went alone, didn’t have anyone that could go with me. It’s nice going alone, you don’t need to wait on anyone to get ready, or be here with you at this time or that, you can play it all by ear. I met this man the first night at sea. He was alone as well. We took our evening meal together and spent the night talking and walking around the decks. It was a lot of fun. He asked if I’d go back with him to his cabin, and even though on land I’m not really a casual sex person, for some reason, I just wanted to, so I did.

We went back to his cabin and his was larger than mine. We went on the balcony and looked at the moonlight on the water and soon were kissing and falling into his bed and I was shocked at his large cock. I was honestly wondering if I’d be able to take it all. He saw that look on my face and knew what I was thinking. He said he’d be patient and slow and we’d manage ok, and we did. I loved sucking on a cock that big, I’d never had one that size before and it was nice.

When it came time to fuck, I was a bit worried. He had some lube with him and we managed to get it in after a bit of trying. Oh my, I was stretched out to the max and he really filled me up. I spent the whole night with him and then I went back to my cabin to get ready for the day and we met up for lunch. It was a fun shipboard romance and we fucked every one of the five days the cruise lasted. I likely will never see or hear from him again, but it was a fond memory for sure.

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He’s Got the Hots for Her

Guys wanting younger women is as old as time. A caller today said his wife’s friend’s daughter drives him crazy. He’s in his early fifties and the girl is twenty. He gets weak every time she comes around to visit with his wife with her mom. He’s afraid she will see the telltale bulge in his pants that would show her the effect she has on him. She likely has that same effect on other men as well, not just ones his age. He was wondering if he should let her know he likes her, I said in all probability she’d feel uncomfortable knowing a guy her dad’s age has the hots for her.

He masturbates while looking at pictures she has of herself online on her social media pages. Many guys have revealed that. I swear half the pictures posted on social media are being jerked off to by horny men, even just non sexy everyday pics. Many callers have said they have entire folders of pictures of these women they know that they have saved their pics online. Their own virtual “spank banks” as it were. These women are everyone from their cousins to neighbors to mere acquaintances.

Maybe some would be flattered at the idea, but many would likely just be grossed out. Just think, just a couple of decades ago for you to have a picture of another person, you had to know them. It might be in a yearbook, or casual pics from a party at a mutual friend’s house or someone that had their pic in a paper. Unless you took a picture of them in secret. The internet changed all of that, and not for the better. The thought of strange men jerking off to your picture is just weird and creepy to most people.

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Tips for Tits

When I was in college one of the jobs I had was as a waitress in a Mexican restaurant. It was fun, the mariachi music was great, the food was good, it was a fun place to work. I got to dress up in Mexican Señorita dresses and I always felt so pretty and the customers tipped well. I found if I showed a lot of cleavage, many of the men tipped even better. I had to try and contain myself to tables with business men or ones there with buddies and not wives. The wives and girlfriends did not seem to appreciate me bending over and showing off my tits to their men.

Some of the men would even slip their tips down the front of my dress. It was slightly frowned upon by management, but not forbidden. I always loved to try and see how much I could show without my tits actually falling out or showing off nipples. I usually did quite well in tips there. It was not a strip joint or anything like that, but I tried to show myself off to my best advantage to maximize my tips. I usually would get a couple of men a night that showed interest and that would be overly generous with me.

This one man came in a lot and always requested to be sat in my section. He met me in the parking lot one night after work and offered me a good deal of money to have sex with him, but I just couldn’t do that, but was flattered at the amount he offered me, several thousand dollars. I’ve thought of him many times over the years. My tits might not be as firm or as bouncy as they used to be, but I do still like teasing men with them, and do so at every opportunity that I can.

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Party Games

Years ago in college, there were some pretty raunchy parties I used to go to. I can recall one evening where the booze of course was flowing, and things were getting pretty crazy. I walked in with a friend of mine and there was a naked man with a totally erect penis and the ladies were playing a naughty version of ring toss onto his cock. The winner was going to get to fuck him. He was quite a handsome guy, so the ladies were all trying their best to win the game and be the lucky one he took home with him.

I didn’t partake, but my friend did and she didn’t win, but came in second. It was quite absurd really, and the women were more out of control than the guys were. He had a big dick, and I think most of the male guests were likely jealous of that fact as well as the fact he was absolutely going to be getting lucky that night and in fact had more than a handful of women competing. Most of them would of course only be having their own hands to get off with that night after the part was over.

The cheers that were erupting in the room each time a girl got the ring on his dick, no doubt his ego was quite swollen that evening. There had also been a bit of a less raunchy game that was an adult version of pin the tail on the donkey, called “Pin the Macho on the Man.” the ladies were acting wild as the paper dick got stuck all over the place as they were spun about. Women can get quite crazy in a group and when there’s booze flowing. That young man certainly got to experience that first hand, and he loved every minute of it.

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