Masturbation Is Where It’s At


A caller was telling me that he prefers masturbation to sex with his wife. She, unlike so many wives I hear about, is willing to have sex with her husband, she even initiates it, but he prefers masturbation and finds it a much more intense orgasm. Yes, many men find it a more intense orgasm, women as well, but the emotional component is not here when alone like it is when you’re with someone.

He watches porn for hours everyday before even touching himself, he said when he’s so aroused, he could literally come within ten seconds of touching himself, but with his wife it takes a long time when fucking her to cum. I laughed and said did you tell her she’s so ugly you can’t even cum, and he said no, it’s not that, it’s that it’s just nowhere near as exciting as alone watching porn. What can you say to someone like that? I suggested cutting down on the porn as it was desensitizing him to normal sexual behavior, I’m sure he won’t though.

No one can touch us like we touch ourselves, we feel things at the exact second and know how best to make ourselves cum, another person doing it for us is waiting for cues, signs, directions, feedback that they are doing this right and to our liking, for many, masturbation is the surest way to cum, hard, and how you like. They might as well slap the hand of their lover away and say, “don’t bother, I’ll do it myself!” He actually said he thinks of his wife as a living Fleshlight, gee, I’m sure she’d be so flattered at such a compliment.

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