One fetish I will never understand how anyone of a sane mind can be into is scat. Not too many callers want to discuss this topic, and some girls are willing to talk about anything, but some are not as well. Several years ago a guy sent me a link to some pics of himself and asked me what I thought of them. My first thought was, why is this person covered in mud? Then I read through his profile and quickly came to the grim conclusion, it wasn’t mud…..
I was speechless, I didn’t know what to think other than be disgusted, how could anyone want any involvement with anything so totally gross and disgusting? I cannot understand for the life of me the appeal of such a fetish. One man confessed he on occasion rented a hotel room and got himself pairs of pantyhose and then shit in them, I pity the maid that had to go in after that man had been in there. Some adult baby callers have had similar stories, they are disgusted by what they do, yet they cannot stop themselves.
One was even nearly suicidal at his own self disgust and had even seen a psychiatrist, but they told him it was basically harmless, even if it was gross, he wasn’t hurting anyone. You hear from all kinds of people in a job like this, revealing their deepest, darkest fantasies and things they’ve done they’ve never shared with another human being, and some of it is pretty gross indeed.