What could be more of a sexual pleasure than kissing? Kissing usually leads to much more passionate sexual adventures, but in and of itself it is a wonderful experience.
Kissing can be as simple as a peck on the cheek, or a passionate, wet, juicy tongue twirling extravaganza that will lead to heavy breathing and wild lovemaking. It leads to other things quickly….Who among us doesn’t recall our first kiss and who it was with? Such nervousness, such intensity, such worries over our breath, is it ok, will I please them, will it go well, will they want to kiss me again?
Kissing is universal. Casual greeting kisses are more common in other cultures than North American ones, with men and women greeting each other with double cheek kisses, this just isn’t done here. North American males would be too afraid of someone calling them a fag!
Between lovers, how divine it is. How many songs have been written about kissing or kisses, a lot. So many memorable movie kisses over the decades, I’m sure we can all think of our favorites easily.
In the movies, until the 70’s, there was not a lot of open mouth kissing going on, it was just considered too risqué. It’s always amusing in the older movies to see these tight, closed mouth kisses where the people are just not doing anything except holding their lips together, no passion, no movement, no deep tongue thrusts filled with passion. It can be very sexy to watch others kiss, and obviously even sexier to be a part of it yourself……