There’s one interest that clearly becomes apparent the longer you do this job, and that’s the number of guys into anal sex and anything to do with anal. Most of their wives and girlfriends won’t indulge them with their desire to play amateur proctologist, so they call we phone sex ladies to get their fill of all things ass. Some are into their own, some into others, some into both. It’s really quite charming when you get a guy on the phone and he gleefully declares he’s got three fingers up his ass and he’s then going to smell them. There are no words.
Some are using toys on themselves, dildos they have borrowed from their girlfriends that the girlfriends have no idea they are sharing. Guys, that’s just gross, buy your own toys if you must, but to stick it up where the sun don’t shine and then she’s unknowingly using it in her vag, please. And don’t pretend you’re washing it after, I’d best most are not. Some desire to stretch a woman or themselves to the max. Hope you enjoy wearing adult diapers in your later years, hope it was worth it. Some want to lick and sniff their girlfriends ass like they were a dog at a park meeting another dog.
Butt plugs are quite popular with callers, they seem to like to have them in for extended periods and rock back and forth on them. Many confess they would love to have anal sex, but have never met a woman that would agree to it. They watch so much porn where it’s presented as the norm, they want to try it for themselves. Porn has really given so many unrealistic expectations, that their reality will seldom live up to what they’ve seen and desired. Are you doing something naughty with your ass right now? You just might be, I know!