Over the holidays several callers called and for long calls, with no sex talk in mind. Some were alone for the holidays and not traveling, others had no family at all. One lost his wife right before Christmas, there’s many reasons ones call a phone sex line, though most assume it is strictly for phone sex. Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve I spent talking to a caller who has no one. He told me how his Christmas feast was a HungryMan dinner alone.
There’s more people out there like this than one might think. Even though they could maybe call some former inlaws or neighbors they are not close to and join them, they don’t want to impose on ones they really are not close to, so they go it alone. It really can be a lonely time of the year for many people. Most call phone sex lines because they are horny, but some are calling because there is no one else, they are nearly on the verge of crying. One caller who’s in IT, a job so many callers have it seems, was talking to me about my computer problems and how if he was here he could fix them. I told him all about the dinner I was making for Christmas and he said he could fix the computer in exchange for the meal, lol. If only.
Now that the holidays are over, perhaps some won’t focus so much on their loneliness. Routine can be comforting. Back to work, back to the grind. So many share things they’d be embarrassed to tell another person face to face. It can give them comfort to tell a stranger these things. By the same token some operators can also share things since it’s anonymous. Not all will share personal things of course, but sometimes the operators enjoy the company of some callers as well. Callers aren’t the only lonely ones out there by any means.