Sex Underwater

A pleasure some very much enjoy is sex underwater. Water is pleasurable for sure, we are having fun and relaxed while in water in most cases, so of course sex is a natural extension we would desire to combine with the calming pleasures of water.

Sex underwater has it’s fans, there are several sites online that have a lot of sex underwater pictures and videos posted, so it’s something others are desiring as well. If you think of it though, in some ways although it seems ideal, the realities don’t always go with that vision. We all know wet sex is the best sex of course, and you can’t get much wetter than being underwater, but that’s not the kind of wetness in question here. Wet sex is from lubrication, something sadly having sex underwater has the opposite effect we want on. The water washes away the slippery natural lubrication, making things feel drier than if not underwater. You could use a silicone based lubricant that will coat the skin, but it will still not be the same.

And unless you are in a monogamous relationship, there should be condoms used. Well I’m sure we can all picture how well a condom would work and stay on under the water, to say nothing of how the pool chemicals would have at it and weaken it. If condom usage is not a concern and you have your silicone based lubricant, you could give it a shot, but the water from the pool is also not good for a woman’s private parts. Pool chemicals and privates are not the best combination. And would you want to swim in a pool with sperm in it? Ick! If you love water and sex combined, it’s best to keep it to the shower. You get the wonderful water pouring over you, enough lubrication will likely be left intact since you are not underwater, and you come out cleaner than you got in. Shower sex is the best option for adding water to your sexual repertoire and you don’t even have to hold your breath!


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