An uncircumcised cock is a pleasure for the men that have it and apparently the women as well they are with. It is a tricky subject to deal with. On one hand a circumcised cock does look better, no doubt about it. And they are cleaner, no extra skin to pull and forth when bathing to worry about stuff accumulating under it. Women with partners with uncircumcised cocks have three times as many bladder infections, so it does have medical benefits.
Ones have said the entire reason society, religions in particular, encouraged circumcision at all was to reduce sensation and make sex less enjoyable. To make it something to be over and done with quickly and only procreative purposes. There are groups out there today looking to reclaim their foreskins, yes reclaim them…Well, not the actual foreskins, they were disposed of years ago, but as in stretching the ones they have to a degree they act as a foreskin.
It does only make sense that when something is exposed and uncovered it becomes less sensitive, and the whole idea here is to make it less sensitive, less enjoyable. With a foreskin intact that pleasure is maintained, they just have to be not lazy when cleaning it properly, if they are, then they can suffer the consequences of that. It does have higher rates of sexually transmitted disease, but again it comes down to cleaning and can be done properly. I do understand the idea of it not being wise to go altering our bodies as nature made them. Animals don’t do these sorts of modifications, yet man has decided that we should.