For many uncircumcised males, they feel the foreskin is a very important part of their pleasure and they cannot imagine not having it. Circumcision has been around for thousands of years, and never has there been such a debate about it as now. Many consider it downright child abuse to have it done. There is no medical need to have it performed, but in some religions it is routinely done, and I’m sure most women would agree they prefer “cut” males, since by most peoples judgments, it looks better than to be “uncut”.
I spoke to a phone partner of mine, and he was not cut, and I said he should, “get it fixed”. Oh boy, he did not like the idea at all. He felt he worked perfectly fine as nature made him and didn’t want or see the need to ever get such a procedure done. Some women prefer the way a natural penis that is not cut feels, since there’s a gliding motion with a natural one that just isn’t there with a cut version. For many, they simply feel it is cleaner and looks better, simple as that. Most men in American porn movies are cut, and that’s what most are used to seeing as a result.
The foreskin does mainly cover and protect the head of the penis, so I can well imagine it does make it more sensitive that if the head was exposed bare all the time. The mere fact that it’s protected and not rubbing against fabric all day will offer a layer of protection for sensitivity.