Once Again It’s National Masturbation Month!


We all love to rub one out, you wouldn’t be on a naughty site like this that details sexual pleasures if you weren’t a masturbator too! Now we have entered an entire month dedicated to celebrating the simple, free pleasure of masturbation. Our making love to ourselves, the most important person in our lives. It really is sex with someone you love. It’s fantastic cardio vascular exercise, actually lowers the risk of prostate cancer in men, 21 minimum orgasms a month for optimum prostate health!

Keeping the pipes clean so to speak. Even if you’re a guy that only bothers with a 5 minute quickie in the shower, masturbation is something many people enjoy even if they have a regular sexual partner. Many partners do not share the same sex drive, so one of them may be in want much of the time. Yes, they can seek satisfaction outside of the relationship, but many are not comfortable doing that and masturbation is an excellent outlet for ones in such cases. I don’t understand anyone not getting on the masturbation bandwagon. It’s safe, no chance of disease, a mild form of exercise, total stress reliever, it has soooo much going for it!

In 1995, a San Francisco sex toy store started the tradition and it’s been gathering steam with each passing year, now even having masturbation marathons in several cities world wide! Now as much as I love to masturbate, and lord knows I do, I don’t see myself signing up for any public spectacles! I’ll keep my masturbation behind closed doors. To play on the phone is one thing, many are also into cam, but to be in some sort of organized event, nah, I’ll leave that to the exhibitionists, and there’s a lot of them around!

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