Sexual Fun With Food


Food isn’t just for eating and nourishment, food can and is being used for naughty sexual purposes as well. I had a lady caller a few weeks ago that asked me if I’d ever masturbated with yogurt. I can honestly say I haven’t. I said I just use regular lube. She seemed to like the yogurt though, and well, it is more natural than lube, and is used by women vaginally at times for yeast infections, so certainly couldn’t harm you in any way.

She had also played with cucumbers and bananas and asked if I’d tried it. No, not for me, but ones are doing things with phallic shaped foods. Men have certainly called while using them and have even consumed them afterwards, sort of a getting rid of the evidence act in case wifey asks why a perfectly good carrot or cucumber is sitting on top of the garbage. That’s one way to get rid of it. Cutting holes in fruits or vegetables is something a great many men have tried to simulate a pussy. I guess a melon is a lot cheaper than a Fleshlight. Food – the disposable sex toy.

Once in a while a caller will ask if I’ve ever poured all over myself and smeared it all over my body, like pudding, custard, oatmeal, honey. No, can’t say that I have, but some love the idea of the messiness of it. One did say once he wanted to fill my pussy with honey and jam. I recall as a child reading my mom’s Penthouse Forum magazines I took when she wasn’t looking and reading about a man that written in that he and his girlfriend had gotten take out hamburgers and he stuffed it between her pussy lips and ate it out of her like that. Firstly, I’d be worried about hot food being placed between my pussy lips, second, imagine the mess! Grease, ketchup, onions, mustard, relish, oh Lord, what a mess to clean out if your cunt lips weren’t seared from the hot food! I have read those “mailed in” letters were fake, perhaps this was one of those!

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