For many years I’ve had a client that described a different way of masturbating to me than anyone else. He said he didn’t use his hand, he pumped his legs up and down. For some reason I envisioned him in a chair, sitting upright, in an armless chair, hands on the chair seat sides and bouncing his legs up and down. For nearly 6 years I heard about this, wearing a few layers of underwear as well, not nude.
Well after all these years I got to witness this spectacle on Skype and it was not what I envisioned at all. He was on a bed, on his back legs up, knees crossed and bouncing up and down like a fiend. You could do this in a public place and I doubt anyone would know what you were up to. He said he had actually done it in a gym once and no one noticed, it looked like some kind of wild, odd abdominal exercise! He said it did help with abs as well. He also looked nothing like what I envisioned after all these years either, I’d imagined him thin and he was chubby, no glasses and he had glasses, odd how different things can be when we see them from our imaginations.
This bizarre way of masturbation was something he’d been doing since he was 12, he’d used his hand a few times, but said he far preferred this bouncing and kicking routine on his back. Hey, whatever feels good, I guess! It just looked totally non sexual, like some weird exercise, I couldn’t believe my eyes to see it after so many years of talking to him as he did it. I guess there’s many different avenues to pleasure for some of us for sure.