Many gals think the only part of a man to concentrate on is the actual shaft of your lovers cock, but trust me ladies, there’s a lot more going on down there than his dick! One pleasure point is the frenulum, and boy do the guys love getting some attention there, either via your tongue or your fingers or thumb, caressing it as you are doing other naughty things to them.
I spoke to a guy once that had a torn one and had it surgically repaired and he was pissed he wasn’t supposed to engage in sexual activity for 6 long weeks. I don’t know how I could go 6 weeks without an orgasm, I don’t think I could! It was supposed to heal, as sometimes they can get torn and it’s supposed to be a painful situation to get it fixed up and healed. The balls and the seam on the balls is also a very sensitive area often overlooked by gals just focusing on the cock or the cock head.
Give the boys some attention and show him you care how good it feels for him as well. All the nooks and crannies down there can be capable of producing a lot of pleasure. If you’d like to ask them to be waxed or dehaired, go ahead, no reason you should suffer through a wild thatch of hair that has God knows what stuck in it, yuck. Not for me, but I guess some prefer the more natural look. You can really see things when there’s no hair to worry about though.