The number of guys calling that want to suck off other guys is quite high, well over a third for sure. One that called today was telling me how he’d like more from the current man he’s seeing that he met on Craigslist, still a very popular site for ones looking for casual sex hookups. He’s been seeing this guy for several months and sucks him off a couple of times a week, but it seems the guy is basically just using him, he has little time for conversation and certainly no desire for cuddles.
The one doing the sucking is looking for more involvement, it seems he’s looking for a boyfriend and not just someone to give oral sex to. He’s not had luck seeking a guy that wants more than just to be serviced. Some think guys looking for same sex interactions just want the sex and nothing but, but a few over the years have mentioned similar situations, they would like to talk, kiss, cuddle. For many of the guys receiving it, they just seem to want to be sucked off and the guy leave practically immediately, they aren’t looking for hearts and flowers.
People are complicated creatures at times, some will always want more, some will just want to be serviced and the once they have cum, they want to be left alone and the one that made them cum to leave. Some might feel ashamed and want the one there reminding them of that shame to leave. It’s not much more of a step than ones going to a glory hole, there they really don’t know who’s doing what to them, they are just getting serviced and leave without knowing who sucked their cock and they all seem to like it that way.