Most people masturbate with their hands, this is a given. Some use toys, others use water, I’ve talked to some using fruits and vegetables. There is no end to the creativity of some masturbators, this is for sure. One of my clients has a unique hands free method of masturbating though. He puts his dick between his thighs and pumps his legs up and down. This is all the more enjoyable if he has a silky pair of boxer shorts on. It sounds more like a workout routine than simple masturbatory fun, but hey, whatever gets you through the night.
He’s a nice guy, a teacher, with a naughty habit. He has an expensive collection of groovy underwear. Once he told me the website of this fancy European website to go look at the underwear online, and it was not cheap by any means, it was like luxury underwear. He said any girlfriends he’d had, when they asked what he wanted for his birthday or Christmas, well, he wanted more pairs of this groovy, bizarre underwear. Harmless enough I guess.
He calls and likes me to call him a dirty underwear fucker and he has underwear parties and was afraid when he lived in a building with a community laundry room that people would think he had accidents since he always was laundering so many pairs, but he just liked to cum in them a lot, for hours on end, often having over a dozen pair he was playing with at once and cumming with. He’s a character alright, but I can handle a dirty underwear fucker any day of the year!